Caroline County

Contact Informaiton

114 Market Street
Denton, MD 21629

Phone: (410) 479-8301
Fax: (410) 479-8302

A Message From the Director

Thank you for your interest in CASA of Caroline! Caroline County is not immune from child abuse and neglect.  Our volunteer advocates are dedicated to helping children who’ve experienced such adversities reach a safe, permanent, loving home as quickly as possible. We have made a commitment – a promise – to our children that we will put CASA volunteers into the life of every child in foster care. With your help, we can fulfill that promise and meet our mission to ensure every child feels safe and loved and has an opportunity to thrive. There are many ways in which you can help us. Please visit our website to learn more about how you can make a difference to a child and support our goal of providing an advocate for every child in foster care in Caroline County.

— Doris Mason, MSW, Executive Director

What Is CASA Of Caroline, Inc?

CASA of Caroline was started by a group of concerned citizens who recognized the need for someone to watch out for the best interest of foster care children in 2003. Spearheaded by then Circuit Court Judge J. Owen Wise, who had seen firsthand the positive results of CASA advocacy, CASA of Caroline became operational in September 2003. Many members of the original group became members of the Board of Directors. They remain committed to assuring that abused and neglected children are heard and provided with one consistent presence in their lives, a CASA advocate.


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