Sadiq Ali to Kick Off 2nd Annual Foster Youth Summit June 18th

SadiqWe're busy gearing up for our 2nd Annual Foster Youth Summit on Saturday, June 18th -- a one-day event designed to connect older foster youth (ages 14+) with community resources and engaging workshops to help prepare them for life after foster care. For this year's summit, we are excited to welcome Mr. Sadiq Ali as our keynote speaker!

About Sadiq:

Sometimes Sadiq feels like a superhero! The only thing is that he’s here to save you from yourself and him from himself and he doesn't have the spandex outfit. Sadiq is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, college professor, some other stuff and is the founder of Millionaire Manners Academy, a training organization that teaches people to not take themselves too seriously but to love and respect yourself just the same. He’s worked with and spoken to thousands of young people around the country on the art and science of his AIM philosophy, which is attitude, image and manners.He also recently created the Young Gentlemen’s Institute Conference tour with the objective to plant the seed of greatness in all young men who attend.When he’s not training, consulting or teaching as a college professor, he’s writing in his blog, playing basketball, eating with his wife and four kids or riding his motorcycle. Probably in that order. His greatest achievements haven't been the awards he’s received, being a regular contributor to TV, radio and newspaper media or business blogs, but his role as a husband, father, mentor and helper of others who need a hand.

Sadiq In The Media:

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Interested in Making a Donation in Support of the Summit? Click HERE


Priority Partners Serves As Platinum Sponsor for 2nd Annual Foster Youth Summit


Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Espinosa