A Christmas homecoming: After years in foster care, a boy finds his place

A Christmas homecoming: After years in foster care, a boy finds his placeShortly before the holiday, Maryland CASA worked with staff and volunteers of CASA of Anne Arundel County, Inc. to highlight a recent success story! The article covers CASA volunteer, Caryn Weaver, and her passion and dedication for helping children in need - specifically, an eleven-year-old boy who, after 2,295 days in foster care and 11 different foster homes found his "place" with a loving adoptive family![su_button url="http://www.capitalgazette.com/news/ac-cn-home-for-christmas-20171222-story.html" target="blank" background="#FF0000" size="8" center="yes"]Read The Full Artlce[/su_button]Now and throughout the New Year, CASA volunteers are making every effort to advocate for abused and neglected children and help ensure they reach safe, permanent, and loving homes. You, too, can help to make a difference by supporting the work of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). To make a year-end, tax-deductible gift in support of our work, click HERE. 


CASA of Cecil County Seeks Applicants for Program Manager Position


Shine a light of hope this Holiday Season!