Lauren Supplee -- CASA of Montgomery County

Name: Lauren SuppleeAge: 38Community: Silver SpringOccupation: Child and family policy researcherCASA program affiliation: CASA of Montgomery CountyVolunteer for: 7 yearsMotivation: “I became a CASA volunteer because my job involves child welfare policy and I wanted to stay connected to the kids we serve.”Current case: “I have been working with my current CASA, a 16-year-old girl, for 6 years and have been the only consistent adult presence in her life. These days, we meet once a week to talk about her personal issues and discuss future plans. She has expressed an interest in college, so we go to the library together to research schools and applications. I also encourage her to pursue part-time employment and teach her how to advocate for herself so she has access to all of the resources she needs, like independent living skills training.”Challenges facing today’s foster youth: “I believe the two greatest obstacles for foster youth are education and the economy. The high school graduation rate for foster youth is extremely low, which I attribute the lack of support and stability and generally poor study skills. In terms of the economy, it is now very difficult for foster youth to find part-time jobs to build their résumés because they are competing with adults for jobs that used to be much easier to secure.”


Standing up for Children


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