Volunteer Spotlight: Dana Moreland, CASA of Southern Maryland

Dana Moreland is an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay, has a part-time paralegal position with a local attorney, and is a mother of two. But when she is not doing that, Dana is a volunteer for CASA of Southern Maryland where she has been volunteering her time for about a year now. Dana lives in Indian Head, MD where she has spent most of her life. “In 2005 my daughters and I moved to Greenville, South Carolina, and we moved back to Indian Head a year later,” Dana said. When she was living in Greenville, SC, Dana was trained and became a Guardian Ad Litem for South Carolina. “It was a way for me to grow and help others in the community,” Dana said. When she returned to Maryland in 2006, Dana gathered information about the CASA program near her hometown. In 2016, CASA of Southern Maryland reached out to Dana to see if she was interested in helping vulnerable children in her community. “At that time, it was a lot easier for me to dedicate time to the program, so I said yes!” she reported.When asked if she had any life experience that has helped her in her volunteer work, Dana said:My oldest daughter struggled with substance abuse in her teenage years and fought that battle for a long time. Sadly, we lost her to suicide on May 2, 2015. Throughout those last ten years of her life, we as a family had to endure and attempt to overcome many obstacles. Now, my husband and I, are raising her son. He’s 4 years old and full of life and love. So, I know what it’s like to raise a child that isn’t your own; and I know what it’s like to lose one. If I can help make a difference in the life of other children that might not otherwise have much family support, then that’s what I’ll do.”The current case Dana is working on involves a family of 8 children who has all been removed from their biological parents’ care due to abuse, substance abuse, and neglect. “The children are all absolutely amazing, each in their own way, and the bond they have with each other is awesome!” Dana said. The kids are now in 5 separate foster homes. Luckily, the foster parents are diligent about making sure the kids all get together to visit at least once a week. Dana ideally likes to visit her CASA child twice a month, “my goal is to spend more visits with them now they are settled into their new foster homes. Usually, we just sit and talk or play with their toys or games. One of the girls enjoys painting nails so we are going to do that together next visit,” she said.For those who are interested in volunteering with CASA, but have not applied Dana has this to say:“Apply! Attend the training, and if you feel like it’s a right fit, then do it! The time will probably never be perfect in your life, so don’t wait. There might be someone out there that needs you and what you have to offer. I absolutely have benefitted from this experience. I have the opportunity to be in the presence of some amazing kids and other people that I may have never met otherwise. My heart gets full just knowing that I have the chance to be there for these kids and help them however they need!”For more information on becoming a CASA volunteer and speaking up for the best interests of vulnerable children, visit www.marylandcasa.org/get-involved or call 410-828-6761


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