Volunteer Spotlight: Nancy Myers of Voices For Children (Howard County)

 Nancy Myers, CASA Volunteer for Voices For Children (Howard County)Having started with Voices For Children in 2011, shortly after retiring from the Howard County School System, Nancy Myers brings a lifetime of experience and care for vulnerable children and families. Working as a childcare worker and a special education teacher taught Nancy that building trust and being present in good times and bad are some of the most important things that can be done for children in need, and those lessons carried over into her work as a CASA volunteer.For one of her CASA children, Nancy helped her achieve some of her educational goals in elementary school. Nancy was able to attend several school meetings and help shape a plan for the girl to achieve her goals. Also, when the girl changed foster families, Nancy worked closely with the school to arrange transportation services so her CASA child could stay in her elementary school until the end of the school year.Currently, Nancy is waiting for her next assignment because her most recent case had a happy ending! The two children she was advocating for were adopted by their foster mother. Prior to the adoption, she worked with the children for five years. Their journey began when the children were still living with their biological mother. During the time Nancy worked with them, two of the three siblings were placed in one foster home while the middle sibling went to another home. It was one of Nancy’s responsibilities to arrange activities and meetings that would unite the siblings.Eventually, the siblings were permanently united under one roof. Over the next 18 months, they experienced court dates and missed visits with their biological mother. Thankfully, Nancy was there to support the children during that difficult time through planning activities and speaking with them about their thoughts and feelings. After a while, the parental rights of their biological mother were terminated and the children were able to be adopted. Although this time was rough for the oldest child, with Nancy’s help, all three children were adopted and are now building a wonderful new family.Now that the case is closed, Nancy isn’t required to keep regular contact with her former CASA children, but she makes it a point to check in every so often to see how they are doing.It’s obvious how having a CASA like Nancy benefitted the children, but what has Nancy gotten out of the experience? She says the rewards are numerous. She enjoys building relationships with young people and being there to listen to them and give them the encouragement they need. To her, it’s rewarding to see her CASA children grow, re-establish family relationships, and begin to create new families.What would Nancy say to someone thinking about becoming a CASA but hasn’t applied yet?“Just do it! So many children and young adults need a trusting adult in their lives and can feel vulnerable and uncertain about their futures… having an adult that listens to them and they can confide in makes all the difference.”Thank you, Nancy for everything you do for children in need!In addition to her volunteer work with CASA, Nancy currently works as a job coach for an adult with a disability. They work out of M&T Bank Stadium and Nancy loves having the opportunity to provide instruction and help young adults take control of their futures.


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