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A Deeper Review of Human Trafficking and Related Crimes Against Children

In this training session, CASA volunteers will delve into the complex landscape of online safety for youth, exploring the various types of online risks and their shared characteristics and gaining insights into the challenges young people face in the digital world. Volunteers will examine why traditional messaging approaches have been ineffective in addressing these issues and explore alternative strategies for engaging with youth effectively. Finally, volunteers will discuss ways to leverage their best tool for prevention of online risks: their relationship with the families they serve.

About The Presenter

Kelly Hooper-McCamey, Esq: Sole practitioner at Hooper-McCamey Law, LLC
Ms. Hooper-McCamey, Esq. has practiced law for 20 years, with a focus on child physical and sexual abuse, sexual assault, child homicides, elder abuse, and human trafficking. Adept at recognizing the effects of abuse in all its forms, she brings a true commitment to aiding the young and vulnerable.

Ms. Hooper-McCamey served as an Assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore City and Prince George’s County and as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland. In these roles, she investigated the most heinous crimes against women, children and seniors as well as developed new practices to allow victims to testify virtually or outside the presence of the defendant. She worked tirelessly with medical experts, social workers, law enforcement, and other professionals to look at each case from a holistic approach. This not only helped obtain convictions but provided a means for the victim to return to their communities with a greater sense of strength and personal resiliency that will carry them through the rest of their lives.

She is adept at reading people and leveraging proven analytical, problem-solving skills to create successful programs and initiatives. Her years of building and cultivating relationships in law, social services, state, and federal agencies strengthens her ability to connect with partners from all areas in the community. Ms. Hooper-McCamey strives to educate young people on preventive strategies to keep them safe and allow them the freedom to grow and develop into healthy young adults.

June 17

Empowering CASA Volunteers: Navigating Online Risks and Effective Engagement Strategies

July 17

Emerging Adults Workgroup