Champions for Children Campaign Launches for the Month of July

Maryland CASA Association is thrilled to promote the Champions for Children Giving Club! Are you an individual looking to make a monthly, sustaining gift to Maryland CASA Association in support of our programs and services? Then becoming a Champion for Children is the perfect opportunity for you. Our monthly donors give vital support to efforts to ensure Maryland’s children the right to safe, permanent homes. For as little as the price of your daily cup of coffee, you can help Maryland CASA recruit and train more community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused or otherwise neglected children in your own state, county, and neighborhood.[pdf-embedder url="" title="Kayla Banner Champions for children"]Interested in the difference your monthly donations can make? Here’s what YOUR monthly donations can do:

    • 50¢ per day ($15/month) will help provide training materials for up to 25 CASA volunteers.
    • $1.50 per day ($45/month) will provide scholarships for 12 volunteers attending our annual conference.
    • $2.50 per day ($75/month) will provide stipends for up to 12 former foster youth to share their stories and experiences at training events.
    • $3.33 per day ($100/month) will support the cost of a volunteer recruitment campaign for one month.
    • $4.16 per day ($125/month) will provide a specialized training session for up to 50 volunteers.

With any donation amount, you can make a difference in a child's life. When you become a Champion for Children your monthly donations help make our programs more sustainable. Join the Maryland CASA community and be at the heart ♥️ of the essential work we do every day to help vulnerable children. Why should YOU become a Champion for Children?

  • Help more children in need: Your monthly gift helps us touch more lives by reducing administrative costs. Every penny you give each month goes further to help us provide resources to improve the well-being of abused and neglected children in Maryland.
  • Satisfaction: Knowing you’re one of a select group of people who care about making a difference for vulnerable children in Maryland 7 days a week/365 days a year feels good!
  • You’re in control! You can increase, decrease or cancel your monthly donation at any time. We will provide you an annual statement to assist in tax preparation.
  • Special updates and previews: You will receive special updates throughout the year. You’ll be the first to know about all of the new programs we will be rolling out in the next few years. And you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing YOU made them all possible!

Ready to become a Champion for Children? Click HERE.Need more information? Visit: to make a difference in the CASA community?

  • Make a one-time donation HERE
  • Sign up to volunteer HERE

Maryland CASA Recognizes Juneteenth on July 30th for 2021


Charm City Trivia features Maryland CASA for the month of June