Kim Wiggins - Howard County

Name:Kim Wiggins
Service Site: Howard County CASA
Length of Service: 4 years
Background: Kim is proud to have ventured out on her own as owner of Pampered Chef, Inc where she specializes in providing new and exciting customary kitchen materials. Prior to this role, she worked for 15 years with Wells Fargo Bank as a compliance consultant. With her flexible schedule, Kim is an active volunteer in her community. She can be found once a week reading to children with the Banner Neighborhoods reading club and joined Operation Hope to volunteer her time teaching financial literacy to teens. She is the vice-president of the Patterson Park Community Association.
Overall, how would you describe your CASA experience?
It has been incredibly enjoyable. I've learned that every little bit helps and a few moments of your time goes a long way with a child. I have learned a lot about the foster care system and I enjoy knowing that my work today with my assigned child can have a dramatic impact on her life into adulthood. The courts are working in the best interests of these very vulnerable children who at a young age have to contend with lawyers, the courts, social workers and many others. That is intimidating for a child and for me reaffirms my role to be that familiar and comforting face serving as an advocate in the best interests of my child.
What do you say to other African Americans thinking about volunteering as an advocate for children?
I would tell that person that being a CASA can be one of the most rewarding things that they will ever do. Many families are plagued with generational poverty that has cycled from grandparents to grandchildren. By seeing positive and engaging living examples of African Americans, children can envision themselves with a different and brighter future for themselves. So many of us are doing so many great things and I think if more Africans Americans knew about the disparities in the child welfare system, more of us would be interested in doing our part to help.

Chief Arnold R. Downing - Worcester County


Majida Muhammed - Montgomery County