Majida Muhammed - Montgomery County

Name:Majida Muhammed
Service Site: Montgomery County CASA
Length of Service: 2   years
Background: Majidah is a Spelman College graduate and recent alumni of Teach for America. She is the kindergarten teacher at Wheatley Education Campus in Washington DC.
Why did you choose to volunteer for CASA?
From an early age, I was interested in helping people. I was immediately drawn to CASA by its mission to empower children by having their very own advocate support them through possibly difficult times. As a teacher, I sometimes work with children from challenging homes who come to school with a variety of concerns and troubles that if not addressed leaves them feeling at a disadvantage from their peers. Through my work with CASA, I not only can support the academic achievement of children in the classroom but now can also make a real difference in the lives of children outside the classroom.
What do you say to other African Americans thinking about volunteering as an advocate for children? 
When our young people can see, relate to and be among positive examples of individuals whom they may share a similar background with, they are more likely to respond to being helped. Children, particularly older youth are visual people. They are keenly aware of our similarities and differences and having instant commonalities allows them to loosen up their seemingly impenetrable guard. I encourage more of us to participate and get involved in your local CASA chapter. The work of a few can make a huge difference in the life of a child.

Kim Wiggins - Howard County


Why Volunteer?