On Cloud Wine Fundraiser Event

Not only has the pandemic had a negative impact on the children we serve who are living in foster care in Maryland, it has also impacted our fundraising efforts this past year. However, we continue to be amazed and grateful for our Board of Directors and staff for their determination, creativity, and wit to keep coming up with ways to financially support Maryland CASA Association. On Thursday, February 11th, Maryland CASA held its first-ever, virtual, On Cloud Wine fundraising event and it was fantastic! Board member, Michael Mucha led our lively one-hour Zoom event for a fun and educational journey about wine. We sniffed, tasted, learned some wine lingo, and just had a good time seeing live faces together on one screen ---faces who were there for the same reason – to support Maryland CASA and the children we serve. Our virtual On Cloud Wine event raised over $3,000! Thank you to all who participated (regardless of your love for wine!) and most especially, Michael, for hosting such a great evening for everyone. As our CASAs work endlessly to safely reach children where they are during COVID-19, funding our efforts has never been more critical. Even small events like On Cloud Wine have a big impact on the children and youth Maryland CASA serves. Thank you!


Washington Post: Letters to the Editor


Maryland CASA Welcomes Atiya AbdurRahman to Board of Directors