Caroline County | Volunteer Spotlight: Bridget Gorman

Bridget Gorman, a resident of Caroline County, has been a CASA of Caroline County volunteer for approximately one year. “I have lived here on the Eastern Shore for the past 15 years and have found it a wonderful place to live and raise my family,” she says. Prior to becoming a CASA, Bridget taught 3rd grade at a Catholic school in Southern Maryland for five years.Bridget is a mother of six children (5 girls and 1 boy) ranging in age from 13-25, and a volunteer karate instructor when she is not volunteering for CASA. Bridget heard about CASA through her husband, Bill, who thought it would be a service she would be interested in because the role incorporates a mix of professional services (i.e. dealing with courts) and working with children. “With my youngest now a teenager I felt that I finally had the time to volunteer and help others,” says Bridget.Currently, Bridget is advocating for a young man who has been in foster care with his sibling since he was 14-years-old. Both children were voluntarily placed in the system by their mother who struggles with addiction. Bridget has been a CASA for this young man since she first joined the organization; prior to Bridget’s appointment, he did not have a CASA speaking up for his best interests. “He is a delightful and smart young man, but has issues as one might imagine, after a lifetime of living with the issues of being the child of a parent who struggles with addiction."Bridget and her CASA child see one another at least 2 to 3 times a month. “Generally, we go out for a meal or meet his brother’s CASA for a rollicking couple of rounds bowling,” she says. They also go shopping and have lively discussions about sports, but lately have been meeting for service learning hours at the local CASA office for him to graduate.“I have benefited immensely from my CASA experience. Not only is helping a child in need rewarding, it is also a very necessary service as so many things can fall through the cracks. I feel I have been instrumental in that respect. I have a close relationship with my CASA child and I know that he is grateful for the support I have given him. Another positive aspect of being a CASA is the friendships I have forged with other CASA volunteers. It’s a great family to be a part of!"Please, everyone, help us recognize and give thanks to Bridget for her wonderful service and dedication to a brighter future for the children and youth of Caroline County! Are you interested in learning more about becoming a CASA volunteer and advocating for those in need? Please visit or call 410-828-6761 for more information.


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