#WhyWeRun | Meet Sonia

Note: If you are a Team CASA Runner or Walker who is reading, share this post to your Facebook, Twitter, or in an email – be sure to include a link to your personal fundraising page and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to support your race!I am the oldest of seven children. We almost took care of ourselves. I was only fourteen, and I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Everybody told us it would be a couple of weeks in foster care but it turned into months, then years.Suddenly a new person walked into the life of me and my sister. With the constant changing of social workers and counselors, I didn’t know what to expect. She asked us what our interests were, and we set up a time to meet every week. For the first time in a while, I felt that this just might be a good thing.As the weeks went by, we got to know each other better. I realized I could talk to her about problems, not only personal problems but problems about the house we lived in. She was our voice, our stability, and our friend.It turned into a lifelong relationship. She may not have even realized her impact on my life because she was simply just being a friend. Someone you can talk to, someone you can trust. I have found that it’s the simple things that make someone complete as a person.The Baltimore Running Festival is TOMORROW! If you've already made a contribution to our cause, thank you! If you haven't had a chance, please consider a $50 gift to Team CASA today and help us continue to make a difference for Maryland's abused, neglected, and abandoned youth.*Names & identifying details have been changed to maintain the confidentiality of this case.

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Press Release: Team CASA raises nearly $50,000 at Baltimore Running Festival for abused & neglected children


#WhyWeRun | Meet Donna & Gary!