#WhyWeRun | Meet Donna & Gary!

Note: If you are a Team CASA Runner or Walker who is reading, share this post to your Facebook or Twitter – be sure to include a link to your personal fundraising page and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to support your race!CASA volunteer Donna* meets regularly with her assigned youth, Gary*. She and Gary go on outings when possible to explore healthy activities that he might like to participate in after he leaves foster care. Donna comments that Gary is always very polite and considerate with her, and his counselors know that he needs to practice building positive relationships like his relationship with his CASA.Donna has supported Gary’s efforts to rebuild his relationship with a family member after a long absence, and he responds positively to her encouragement. Donna has become an integral part of Gary’s team, cheering him on as he progresses toward independence.There are only two short days and about $13,000 dollars that stand between us and total success at the Baltimore Running Festival! Please consider a $50 gift to Team CASA today and help us continue to make a difference for families in need.*Names & identifying details have been changed to maintain the confidentiality of this case.

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#WhyWeRun | Meet Sonia


#WhyWeRun | Meet Morgan, Ashley, and Rebecca