A Chat with Runner Ben Pettit

Ben PettitBen Pettit started getting into running about 6 years ago. He says it helps him stay healthy, and it is a passion for him. About two years ago Ben went from running in 2-3 races a year to 6 or 7. At least once a year he will join a charity’s team and ask his friends to help him raise money for the cause.Why Maryland CASA? Ben knew that he wanted to run for a good cause, and looked for a non profit that matched his passions. As a new dad, Ben wanted to help children who got “the bum end of the stick. I can’t run into a burning building to save them but I can race and raise money to help them.”Ben approaches life and running with a can-do attitude. “If it’s cold, I’ll just put a hat on and run. If it’s hot, I’ll run in the morning or evening.” Nothing is impossible to Ben!To join Ben and others like him, please join Team CASA at goteamcasa.org at the Baltimore Running Festival on October 19. If you can't join us on that day, then please consider making a donation.


A Chat with Runner Jack Gatti


CogniTutor Offering Tutoring Services to CASA Youth!