A Chat with Runner Jack Gatti

I am running in the Baltimore Running Festival for a few reasons.First, I have heard from others who have run in it before that it's really cool to see all of the city's different neighborhoods come out together to support runners, and it's an overall great display of the city's spirit and the people that make it a wonderful place to live!Secondly, since I have started medical school I have found that running is a great stress relief and gives me time to decompress, and I figured that if I forced myself to train for a marathon I would make sure I am getting the mental and physical benefits of exercise more regularly if I am motivated by the need to run that kind of distance at the end of my training regimen. It's my first ever marathon, so I have enjoyed challenging myself in this way and seeing my body achieve things that I would have thought were impossible for me several months ago.Once I stumbled upon the Maryland CASA website, I knew that Team CASA was a cause I would be happy to join. I am planning on going into pediatrics once I am done with medical school, and I try to be involved with advocacy on behalf of children's health. Child abuse and neglect is a public health crisis among our young people, and I am inspired by the work that organizations like Maryland CASA do to ensure that our state's children can be able to live, grow, and prosper in the best possible home environment. I am happy to raise money for Maryland CASA to make a tiny impact on the work that you all do to improve quality of life for children across the state.


Crystal Bergemann Shares Why She Runs with Team CASA


A Chat with Runner Ben Pettit