Crystal Bergemann Shares Why She Runs with Team CASA

Crystal BergemannWhy did you join Team CASA at the Baltimore Running Festival?CASA is such a good cause, and joining Team CASA is an easy way to give back while having fun and pushing myself a bit physically. Although a lot of the work of CASA is done by volunteers, those volunteers need professional support and management that takes resources to be done well. CASA also provides tangible items to kids like Christmas gifts and back to school supplies so I want as much of that to continue as possible.Why do you want to help Maryland CASA/foster kids?There are so many hard-working and well-meaning people involved in the foster care system; judges, foster families, lawyers, social workers, therapists, teachers, etc. The problem is that most of those well-meaning people are overloaded and overwhelmed it’s easy for the needs of any individual child to fall through the cracks or just get lost in the bureaucracy. CASA matches one child with one advocate in a way that ensure there will always be someone looking out for the needs of that child above all else. It’s what every child deserves, and what I’d want for my own kids.Do you have an experience with foster care/kids, or kids in need that you could share?I’ve been a CASA volunteer advocate in Prince George’s County for the past two years but I’m thrilled to report that “my” CASA kid was just adopted after six years in the foster system. I’m so grateful that the CASA organization was there to help this child through the entire time he was in care.Are you a runner? If so, how long have you been running?I’d say I’m more of a “slow jogger”. I started plodding around the neighborhood about 15 years ago, and I’m still relatively slow, but I love the way I feel after a run (if not during). My goal for the half-marathon is just to finish and have a good time.Are you looking forward to the Baltimore Running Festival? Which part?My husband and I ran this race last year and it was awesome. The CASA tent was welcoming and well-stocked, and the finish line event is top notch. (And my kids love playing with my medal which is a crab whose shell really opens and closes). It’s a great way to get to know the city of Baltimore and it doesn’t hurt that the last mile of the course is a gentle downhill.


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