#WhyWeRun | Meet Sarah, Age 17

Note: If you are a Team CASA Runner or Walker who is reading, share this post to your Facebook or Twitter via the buttons below – be sure to include a link to your personal fundraising page and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to support your race!Sarah*, a 17-year-old girl’s placement changed to an out-of-county facility during her sophomore year.  Sarah’s goal was to transfer back and graduate from her local high school, and she worked with her local Department of Social Services (DSS) to file for a Semi-Independent Living Arrangement (SILA). At that same time, her CASA volunteer, Lauren*, was concurrently on a quest to find Sarah an apartment to begin her next school year.It was Lauren's focus for the entire summer. Lauren worked tirelessly to find an apartment with a landlord willing to accommodate a transitional youth and be part of a solution for kids who are aging out of foster care. The rent was reduced and Sarah successfully moved to her new apartment in August and is officially enrolled back at her local high school!Did you know that each mile ran (or walked) and dollar raised by Team CASA at the Baltimore Running Festival helps us to recruit and train more volunteers, like Lauren, to help abused and neglected children throughout Maryland? Please consider a gift to Team CASA and help us continue to make a difference for those in need. On Saturday (10/21), we hit the pavement in Baltimore City!*Names & identifying details have been changed to maintain the confidentiality of this case.

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#WhyWeRun | Meet Morgan, Ashley, and Rebecca


#WhyWeRun | Meet Daniel, Age 14